Do Air Conditioners Help With Allergies?

Do Air Conditioners Help With Allergies? – Clarification 

The air conditioning system of a home plays a significant role in the overall health of the residents. People prone to allergies always pay extra concern when it comes to ensuring better indoor air circulation as allergies are likely to get worse on the contrary. Do air conditioners help with allergies? What kind of a role do they bring into play when dealing with your allergies?

We shall briefly discuss the common query and clarify all your related reservations. 

Air conditioners directly influence your respiratory health as indoor air quality and circulation depends on the hands of your air conditioning system. 

Do Air Conditioners Help with Allergies? 

Back on business, how do air conditioners affect your allergies? 

An air conditioner can help you alleviate your allergies and make your allergies worse. It all depends on how well your air conditioning system is maintained.

A well-maintained air-con system can help purify the air from dust, mold, fur, pollen, spores, and any other allergens found in the air around the home. Thus you’d be able to inhale quality air and keep your risks of allergies at bay. 

On the other hand, a poorly maintained air-con system can pollute indoor air quality and increase the risks of your allergies.  

You can find an air filter inside any air conditioning system to purify contamination from the in taking air. When air is filtered through the air filter, any debris in the air, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, mold, etc., will get screened, and fresh and clean air will blow out into the home. Therefore, the possibility to contact allergens is made relatively less, and good health is ensured inside the house with good air quality. 

When the air conditioner is under poor maintenance, it can not only fail to filter the external debris in the air but also will aggravate the production of allergens. It will increase the chances of airborne allergies. 

How Do Air Conditioners Make Allergies Worse? 

When poorly maintained, the interiors of the system are likely to get contaminated over time. It is essential to ensure cleanliness throughout the system now and then if you do not want to bear the risks of being allergic. 

The air filter inside the conditioning system will get clogged over time as debris and foreign particles build-up due to constant filtering. Things might turn wrong when the air filter is not monitored and changed. It will become challenging to filter the debris off the air, and poo air will start to flow into your home. 

Air conditioners also control the temperature and humidity levels inside your home. Humidity is an essential factor in the growth of mold and bacteria. By balancing the indoor humidity levels, air conditioners ensure such micro-organisms does not inhabit the surrounding. But this might not be the case if your air conditioner is subjected to any leaks. With leaks, it is made impossible to bring the humidity into control. The dampness and reckless humidity will trigger bacterial growth and contaminate the flowing air. 

In both circumstances, you will be highly prone to allergies as the system neglects indoor air quality due to your negligence of proper maintenance. 

What Can You Do To Ensure Healthy Airflow? 

It’s in your hands to ultimately decide what role your AC system will play when dealing with your allergies. You can take better maintenance and ensure quality air circulation and stay away from allergies. Or you can take improper care and increase your chances of being affected and becoming allergic. 

Here are a few things you can do to determine good airflow within your home and minimize the risk of allergies, 

  • Change Air Filters

Change the air filter of your AC system now and then. It is advised to change once every six or three months, depending on the air impurity intensity of your household. Changing your air filter will help hindrance-free air purification. It can also help you save electricity bills as build-up/ clogged air filters heat the AC and consume more electricity for operation. 

  • Examine Leak

Keep your AC under supervision now and then. Suppose there is a leak in the system. In that case, it can support mold and bacteria growth in the environment due to increased humidity levels. Examining leaks and getting them fixed in case of any would keep this risk away from your lane. 

  • Low Humidity 

Opt for low humidity levels to keep away microbial allergens. The recommended ideal humidity is between 30 to 50 percent. Opting for this range can inhibit the growth of microbial allergens in the area and ensure clean airflow. 

  • Close Doors and Windows 

Keep open airways closed when the AC is in operation. When you fail to do so, it will exert unwanted pressure on the AC and start the system. It may affect the efficiency of the process. 

  • Clean the Coils 

Clean in and out of your AC system to avoid existing debris getting pulled into the system and contaminating the airflow in any form. Clean the cooling coils of the AC as they are prone to dampness and may allow mold growth and bacteria in them.

Keeping them cleaned will ensure that doesn’t happen and promise you better air circulation inside the premises. It is advised to monitor and clean your system thoroughly at least once a year. 

When Do You Need to Be Alerted? 

If you live with an AC, some circumstances may be evident that your system is going down the floor, and its maintenance needs to be serviced. Such circumstances include, 

  • Frequent sneezing when the AC is on 
  • Itchiness in the respiratory tract organs (nose, throat) and the eyes. 
  • Watering in the eyes and shortness of breath 
  • Swollen eyes with dark under-eye circles 

And if any other symptom of your particular allergy is seen when the AC is on, it’s time to clean it up and examine for glitches. 


If your air conditioning system is well maintained, it can help eliminate your allergies. If your air conditioning system is ill-maintained, it can invite your allergies.

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